Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Welcome 2008

Yay, 2008. A new year is upon us and as always that means new goals in life. Well 2008 WILL be different for me. I am bound to get my gambling in control and thanks to Neverbeg.com I think I have seen the light so to speak in bankroll management. I have made more money in the past, but I had no control and lost it eventually. Now I am taking it slower and winning constantly. My goals for 2008 are as follows

  1. Never Deposit Online Again. Period.
  2. Keep tracks of my Cashouts.
  3. Get in better shape.

Seems pretty easy.

Poker- In the last few months I have basically abandoned pokerstars and have been focused on full tilt poker. Fuck pokerstars IMO. I cannot win anything there. I would like to thank FTP for introducing the 90 man sngs, as I have been absolutely killing them.

Staking - I have been doing pretty well in staking and have upped the amounts I have been backing people considerably. Hopefully I will have continued success in 2008. It is nice to know my money is doing work while I am not using it. And hey, who doesn't like to gamble in their sleep.

Current BAP's Invested In:

$40 - JohnPreston
$140 - JustBlazed
$100 - WillieDM3
$295 - bnorris85
$75 - wildfreak
$200 - AndyGuttormsen
$200 - doctavius
$150 - azzfire
$66 - rip32raptors
$100 - caspernene
$200 - ChestersDad
$20 - mikeypr3
$200 - terrellk11
$100 - chiznadAZ
$20 - poker1123
$100 - CIA_Bodyguard
$5 - Coach
$200 - Crow

Current Stakes Out - $2211

Well i gotta get going....2gs out...wow I have gone crazy.
